Softwares for your Retail Shop, College, Coaching Class

Software Development

Get our web based easy to use, user friendly, multipurpose  retail software to save your time and keep tracking of everything

iColours iMart Retail Billing Software

Manage your Daily Sales, Transactions, Inventory using web base retail billing software

iColours iMart is useful for single or multiple retail store locations.  Our cloud servers are making this software fast and secure and saving your time. 

Powerful Point Of Sale Software to manage your business

Track Daily Cash Flow

Track you day to day cash flow using iColours iMart Retail POS. CashIn - CashOut will make it easier to keep cash flow

Manage Staff Accounts

Manage employee account and give them restrictions or permissions for the specific module like sales or inventory

Create Customer Profiles

Easily add, edit or remove customers in the software with their mobile number and email address

Web based but Secure

Our software is web based but it is more secure 




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